Visualization Database

Welcome to the ITC Visualization Database!

The ITC Visualization Database is a collection of NLP Visualizations, recorded by Coach Tim, that you can listen to instantly or download to use whenever you’d like.

What Kind of Visualizations are available?


Relax and Let Go

Do you need to let go of something? Find some peace and quiet? Use these visualizations to get away from the noise and take a few moments for yourself.

See Your Future

What will it look, sound, and feel like when you have all that you want? Use these visualizations to picture everything you want for your future self.

Shift Your Emotion

Feeling unresourceful? Use these visualizations to shift your emotional state to something you need.

Anchor yourself

Need to level up? Use these visualizations to find your inner power, courage, strength, or focus so you can go out into the world with confidence.

Become a Member!

Interested in getting access to over 30 Visualizations that you can use for yourself or with your clients?